Date : 21st March 2010 (Sunday)
Vanue : Putrajaya
Ermmm mama cam hv no idea to start merepek kat sini...amik masa nk start gear nih..haha.Sbb mende dah lps so kn refresh memory la plak kan..
Ok,since smlm nyer mama dah janji nk bwk Ira n Hana tgk hot balloon then kena la kotakan janji..x baik menghampakan derang kan..? That day,we moved to Putrajaya at 11.30am becoz we waited for Ayah Chik to reach there. Ayah Chik nk pass ole2 from Terengganu cause he just back from Terengganu for attending his friends wedding. On Friday, Mak long pun dah 'provoke' ira psl belon panas tue cause Mak Long's office just besides the Ira pun dah excited nk pegi...
Antara gambar yg sempat di snap
While mama at the opis pun dah kn 'racun' ngan email sent from my friend for this fiesta hahaha..bkn aper..mama pun excited sebenarnyer. Yer lah seumur hidup never see the hot balloon secara live.. dlm tv tu lain citer la kan..
The crowd and the hot balloon
We reach there at about 12.00pm. Luckily we managed to get 'legal' parking area..tempat redup laks tuh.. Alhamdulillah mmg rejeki..mmg ramai org..ade yg parking atas jambatan ape lak nama bridge tu..x silap, Jambatan Wawasan..then menapak to tapak fiesta...memula nk parking kat ctu gaks but ade satu couple tu ckp jauh lau parking kat situ better parking depan sket. dkt sket ngan tapak fiesta..Thanks a lot to that couple lau dak berpeluh jgk la nk sampai tapak fiesta tuh..heheh
Aksi Ira & Hana on the way to the fiesta
When we reached there, only three hot balloons was still flying.. a bit disappointed lar..huk huk huk. Its totally out of my imagination. What was in my mind was there's a lot ballon flying over here and there. Just like in news paper and TV. But the balloon only flying around 15 minutes, then the three hot balloon diturunkan and packed...Luckyla we manage to snap photo with the hot balloon lau x mmg penat g je la dtg.. Mmg x bernasib baik la coz not much thing we can see on that fiesta..wondering may be we went there at wrong timing..mama pun x check the organizer schedule.. (
Fiesta pun biasa2 jerk..dah nk sampai kol 2pm cmtu byk yg dah nk tutup..huhu..Tempat belon mainan bdk2 tu pun dah kn bungkus..igtkan nk kasik chance kat ira main kat ctu..mmg mengecewakan lar our visit that kol 2pm tp sume cm dah nk tutup..but it was hot day..Aniway, Ira sempat gak ngepaw Ayah Chik nyer beli nk pistol air bubble tuh..Thanks yerk Ayah Chik.
Since no more attraction at the fiesta so then we headed to new mosque at Putrajaya..(Masjid Besi). Mama will update the story in next N3 ok..till then bye...
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