Date : 24th June 2010
Venue : Look Out Point, Hulu Langat
Today Hana already 1 year old so we had small celebration for Hana. After thinking quite sumtimes, then mama n ayah decided to go to Look Out Point nun atas bukit. Mama prnh terbaca dlm blog psl tempat nih..mmg nice place because we can see Kuala Lumpur city view.. very nice..

Hana dah bersiap2 nk celebrate her 1st birthday..
Actually, mama dah lama nk pegi sini but x sampai2. At last we menaged to go there on Hana's 1st birthday. We fetch ayah first at his office. We stucked in traffic jam about 1 hour at ampang..huhu. When we reached there, we got to choose 3 restaurants for our dinner and we choose the Panorama restaurant so we need to climb up the stairs.. mmg penat but we reach upstairs mmg chantek giler pemandangan KL waktu mlm..
On our way to Panorama
While waiting for our food
The KL city view at nite.. very nice n cool
There, Hana had her first cake cutting. The view mmg superb nice but the food agak kureng la..maybe kitaorg choose menu nasi putih n lauk kot so mmg mengeciwakan ngan food kitaorg mlm tuh..but the drinks nice.. mlm tu pun ramai org naik atas sana sampai nk cari parking pun ssh... Okla layan je la erk picas2 kitaorg kat sana..
Hana's 1st cake cutting session..
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