20 February, 2011

My birthday celebration - Part1 : by officemate

Date: 28th Jan 2011 (Friday)
Venue : TGI, Friday Pavilion, KL

Setelah hampir sebulan entry ni terperam akhirnya mama diberi kekuatan utk mencoret serba sedikit kegembiraan menyambut besde mama aritue.. This year my birthday celebration ade 3 kali.. wow.. mmg best.. same lak ngan age number terbaru mama kat depan.. hehe.

My officemate (From left K.Aizani, Mei Chin, me, Shanthi, Pei Nee, Fhairuz & K.Norizan)

So first celebration ngan geng2 office (Kak Aizani, Shanthi, Fhairus, K. Norizan, Mei Chin & Pei Nee).. mmg terharu sgt ngan semangat derang nk sambut besde mama this year.. thanks to Shanthi yg organise the things..:) Kitaorg celebrate ari jumaat so mmg heaven la.. sbb bole melangho sket.. (masuk opis lmbt sket..hehe.. ikut bdk2 lelaki blk semayang jumaat..)

The location that have been selected was TGI Friday, Pavilion.. Kitaorg pegi sana naik bus.. one more time naek bus ngan geng2 opis ..last time & first time aritu during shanthi's birthday masa on the way blk from Fish Manhattan , SOGO..hehe.

Us at TGI Friday..

Thn nie mmg nye celebration mmg mama x akan lupa sampai mati kot.. mama kn diri atas kerusi n then staf2 TGI Friday sing birthday song to me. Not that simple okey.. memula kn diri atas kerusi.. malu giler dah masa nie.. pastu one of their staff soh mama pilih antara botol sos tomato and botol sos cili.. mama igt nk wat ape la kan.. then igt dah slmt bole trn kerusi, skali dia soh nyanyi daaa n jadikan botol sos tu as microphone.. mak aihh.. terketaq lutut cek..huhu,, x reti nk nyanyi lagu gapo deh..End up mama nyanyi lagu enjit2 semut... haha..

Our menu's selection

igt dah solosai lar n bole duduk blk.. bertuah sggh..pastu derang nyanyi besde song ramai2...ramai woo..ade dkt 15 org staff dia.. dah la lama dkt 10 minit lagu nyer.. siap ketuk tiang kerusi sumer.. mama yg kn berdiri atas kerusi ni rs mcm dah tukar kaler biru dah rasanyer.. MALUUU.. semer customer TGI ptg tue tgk kat mama..uwaaa.. nk menangis pun ader... tgn sejuk usah nk kata lar dh mcm ais dah rsnyer..huhu. Abes derang nyanyi besde song... derang soh tiup cake... tu dia dia pi letak cake nun ade kot 3 depa nyer jarak...soh tiup.. mana mungkin dong.. selalu org tiup cake, jarak lilin ngan mulut ade la dlm brp inchi je .. mmg kes naya..

End up derang dekat kan sket jarak dlm 1 depa kot.. br la mama mampu meniup lilin tue berbekal dgn semangat nk cpt turun dr kerusi panas tu.. mama tiup sekuat hati...hahah.. alhamdulillah padam gak lilin tu... fuhhh satu kelegaaan yg x terungkap... bole la mama duduk dah dgn tenang...walaupun masa tu lutut n tgn ketaq ya ammat..haha. Nak marah kawan2 mama pun x bole..derang nk fun2 kan kan.. and they also never expect that kind of suprise.. They thought just sing a birthday song & trs tiup lilin cmtu..hehe. Nevermind guys.. its wonderful memory indeed..:) Lps ni lau nk pekena org dah tau dah tempat yg sesuaiii..haha

My birthday cake

Cake cutting session

Member2 mama ade rakam aksi getir mama tu... bile mama tgk blk.. cm kelako lak.. muka gabra..haha. but mmg unforgetable memory for my 30rd birthday celebration.... nice memory lak bile dok pikir2 ..bkn selalu diperkenakan mcm tu ye dakk... One more time thanks to all my officemates. Tp sayang x de sorang yg snap gmbr..lau x bole tepek kat sini.. sume pun record video sbb x mo miss the moment..huhu.Mama cm kaget gak la tgk bill..walaupun bkn mama yg kena byr..haha... Thanks again..Korang mmg best sangat n sangat best.. luv you'all. Naseb la cake nye sodap walaupun susah nk potong..haha

Enjoy the caje together

Corat coret di hari kebahagian saya...:P
OKla dah pjg dah mama berceloteh.. Selamat berwiken yerk.. mama arini br nk rs nikmat cuti sbb smlm 1/2 day dah terbang sbb kn spent kat MAYBANK Academy, Bangi for CSR activity..Arini nk start buat assignment & also nk cr brg utk dapur impian..haha..
Till next update..Have a nice day..


  1. happy belated besday ita..;) emm..photobook itu hari utk birthday ita ke ;) have a prosperous year, always!

  2. Thanks cat.. hehe. photobook aritu x decide lg nk letak gmbr ape.. Have a prosperous year also for you n family..


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