02 April, 2011

Lama nye x jengah..

Location : UiTM Pundak Perdana, Shah Alam
Class Database ( group presentation just done)

Wah..lama nye mama x jengah blog mama yg humble nih.. selalu sempat gak mama tgk2 even x update pape kat sini. Mama just gone thru hectic moments in my life... bz gile la mama lately.. sorry la terpaksa share kat sini.. nk release ape yg terpendam.. Frankly speaking last month (March 2011) mmg the busiest moment in my life.. sian kat princess2 mama tersayang..dah cm abandon laks .. sorry syg .. mama terpaksa...demi tuntutan kerja n tuntutan master mama nih..mmg mama had a very limited time with both of you dear.. Sorry also to ayah coz byk keje2 umah yg mama sumtimes abaikan sbb kebizian tersebut.. Thanks also syg( first time mama call ayah cmtu kat sini erk.. hehehe) for ur understanding
on ur wife's  burden lately..

 Mama & Aunty Shanthi while waiting for Mc D bukak to have our breakfast @6.45 AM

Semalam (1/4/2011) mama rs lega sket cause one of the mama nye task kat opis selesai.. mama kn standby kat opis @4.30 AM. so kol 3.45 AM mama dh kn bgn to ensure mama x lewat sampai opis.. Mama siap2 je nk g opis Hana dah bgn dgn ceria nyer..siap senyum and lari nk ikut mama naik kete..so utk mengelakkan Hana melalak so mama Hana pusing2 naik keta dulu then br Hana bole tggl dgn senyuman & lambaian yg mama sentiasa berada dlm ingatan..:). Mama went to office with aunty Shanti. We car pool to office. Tkut jgk dua2 pompuan but ladies nowaday can do everthing kan.. hehe 

Alhamdulillah the job completed with  good execution. Fuhh lega sgt.. bkn keja senang nk make sure org nye investment for 5 years dpt what they expected should get... We need to allocate a big amount not 5 angka but 9 angka kat depan.. billion tue..to the customer.. Frankly speaking mama first time involve in this project not Aunty Shanthi who is the expert for this system. The effort to ensure the successful of the implementation mmg byk.. we had about 1 month tara testing for that project. Syukur sgt sumer nye berjalan lancar.. tu br satu beban selesai..byk lg keje in tray.. it just the major thing done..

So beralih lak ke beban keje sekolah (master's assignment mama). Mama had 3 individual assignment and 2 group project presentation. Again mama really thank to Allah for giving me a good + understanding + giler2 + cooperative team mate.. ( Don, Syafa & Atok).. So sumtimes we had discussion to settle sumer assignment2 kitaorg.. harini sumer asignment mama kn siapkan. And as for now.. 2 group presentation DONE and 1 asignment submitted. satu lg kn buat amendment. So just wait for last class to clear all the bugs  inside my head..yeeahaaa... x sabar nk tggu esok..where I can spend with my lovely family especially my two little princess..Ira & Hana...

Last nite, mama tdo almost 3.40AM to settle all my assignment that need to submitted today.. Alhamdulillah I manage to complete the assignment given although I had to sacrificed my sleep smlm.. So 2 days mama not have enough sleep sbb a day before kn bangun at 3.45AM to standby kat office and last nite tdo at 3.40AM after completed the assignment (Database).. Mama kagum gak ngan mama nye skill sbb bole setel that thing within 1 nite.. amazing kan?? haha tu la dah biasa last minute..cmtu la jadik nyer... Alhamdulillah... things done..the next phase is to prepare for Final Exam on 16-17 April 2011. ( another 2 weeks)..hehe Wish me luck..ok..
Ok la pjg dah mama melalut..actually boring dok tgh presentation nih..so buat keje lain..hehe
Till then ..Wassalam..


  1. Good luck and all the best to you ita...sangat kagum dengan kesungguhan Ita...chaiyok!!my fren!!

  2. Mas, really thanks for ur support + pray + wish fren.. smga perjuagan sampai ke titik noktah nyer.. amin.. :)


Assalamualaikum wbt.. Tahun 2017, banyk kisah banyak kenangan banyak tangis dan tawa. Tahun ni tahun pemalas update blog nih so this is...