22 September, 2012

Hana's 3rd Birthday Celebration

Date : 24 June 2012 (Sunday)
Venue : Bandar Baru Bangi (Umah Aunty Leen)

Belek punya belek entry psl birthday sekali baru perasan entry birthday anak2 mama for this year mama x buat lagik.. even dh 3 months berlalu mama tepekkan jgk.. Thn ni a bit special for Hana sebab birth date Hana falled on Sunday... :) Memula plan cm nk buat makan2 kat umah kitaorg but at last change plan since request by Aunty Leen nk buat 1st birthday celebration for her son Khasyaf on the same day... Aunty Leen terpaksa postponed majlis Khasyaf sbb dia nk kena pulun study for her master exam.. since mama pun x prepare ape2 lagi masa kitaorg dok planning tue..so agreed jer tumpang birthday Hana masa majlis birthday Khasyaf nanti..hehe. 

Since mama x yah nk busy sgt buat preparation so mama take a chance nk try nk buat chocolate oreo edible image tue. Thanks to Aunty Fazillah sbb pinjamkan mama buku resepi chocolate dia..igtkan susah beno..tp senang jer..(ewah2 dah jadik bole la nk buat statement over tu..hehe). Mama amek edible image angry bird sbb tema birthday Kasyaf aritu is Angry Bird.

Birthday cake Hana mama order kat Kak Anna (http://bake-freshly.blogspot.com). Thn ni 2 cake mama order from her.. Angan2 since last year nk bake cake for Ira & Hana birthday thn nie masih tak tercapai..hukhuk.. Insyaallah next year tgk mcm mn..keke..

Kami sampai umah Aunty petang tu..tetamu dah ramai yang dtg.. Mama kagum ngan preparation Aunty Leen.. perghhh wa tabik spring sama lu la leen... Giler super rajin.. sume buat sendirik... baik party hat, decoration, food, candy buffet..siap ade photo booth tue.. memang happening la the event..
Thanks Leen kasik aku tumpang glamer di majlis yang grand tue..:) 
Ok la lets view the picas...

 4 of us

 On the way to Umah Aunty's Leen

 Kemeriahan Majlis Birthday Kashaf & Hana

Birthday Presents hunting at Toy R US Alamanda

 Ira & her birthday present

Hana and her birthday present

 Senyum simpul Hana di hari lahirnya

 With my beloved princess - Rubayyi Thahirah & Rafhana Syahirah
lepas balik shopping

Mama & the birthday girl

To Hana Happy belated birthday sayang
Moga adik jadi anak yang solehah..
Amin ya rabbal alamin


  1. hehehehe... terharu lak baca post neh..:p kami pon sangat hepi dpt celebrate bestday sama2 ngan hana.. aunty leen bukan slalu rajin camtu hana..hahaha..adala 3 taon sekali.. :p ada rezeki nnt celebrate sama2 ngan Kashaf lg ye.. ;)

  2. bisa ajer celebrate sesame lg nnt..:) sbb ibu kashaf sgt creative plus rajin so kitaorg pun berbesar hati nk join lagik..hehe


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