Date : 24 December 2013 (Tuesday)
Venue : Puteri Harbour Family Theme Park, Hello Kitty Town
Pepagi morning lepas istirehat kat bilik, then kitaorg turun utk breakfast. Ramai org masa tue..nak cari meja utk makan pun agak susah..but finally we managed to get seat nearby food counter...hehe berkat kesabaran gamaknye..
Lepas settle breakfast then kitaorg bersiap to check out. Mama cant recall pukul berapa kitaorg gerak ke Hello Kitty Town. Dari hotel kitaorg stay (Granada Hotel) mmg tak berapa jauh lokasi nye. Mama sgt berterima kasih kepada Waze apps yang sgt membantu...
Posing before check out - Granada Hotel, JB
With ayah

Pose before mengexplore
Muka2 happy Ira & Hana
We are at the Little Red Cube

Pose before mengexplore
Muka2 happy Ira & Hana
Memula sampai nampak satu building beso.. dok terpikir theme park ape rhoper ni bentuknyer.. cm shopping complex je mama tgk... mmg x sabar nk discover the excitement. Lps berposing sket2 then kitaorg beratur utk redem ticket utk masuk ke Hello Kitty Town and Little Big Club. Mama beli dua ticket je lagik sebab ticket utk mama and ayah dah mama beli in advance kat Groupon.

Hello Kitty Town ticket counter
Masa beli tiket for Ira and Hana, mama found out that if kita ade ticket Legoland then kita would privillage to get discount from harga yang dipamerkan..berapa percent mama seriously dah tak ingat but lucky la kan..bole save sket budget.. Luckily jgk mama simpan ticket Legoland yang semalamnya kami visit.
Kat Puteri Harbour Family Theme Park ni.. ade 3 level,
1. Ground floor : utk kaunter tiket and tempat jualan barang cenderahati.
2. Level 1 : Hello Kitty Town
3. Level 2 : Little Big Club
Dah setel pembelian tiket then kitaorg proceed ke level 1 where there is the Hello Kitty Town is located. Mama pun excited sebenarnye.. Masa kitaorg sampai kat Hello kitty town tue, kebetulan ade stage show Hello Kitty..punya la ramai manusia.. Masa tue Hana dah gelisah sebab bunyi kuat huhu.. Ayah yang tenangkan Hana, mama layan Ira yang mmg super excited nk jumpa Hello Kitty pujaan hatinya..
Mcm x caye la plak.. bole tgk live show famous cartoon character cenggitu. Hana mmg dah x bole nk tgk the show.. sbb dia serabut bising2..
Selesai live show Hello Kity dekat Purrfest stage, then kitaorg masuk rumah Hello Kitty, cantek rumah nya..mcm alam fantasi rasanyer... masa ni Hana dah ok ..sbb teruja dengan interior rumah Hello Kitty tue.. ade dinner set, bilik study, piano, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom sume nye comey2..

The crowds ..waiting for the Hello Kitty live performance

The awaited appearance

Ira enjoyed the show

Ira is feeling happy sebab dapat salam Hello Kitty boy katanyer.. but she frustrated cant shake hand Hello Kity Girl.. hehe
The Hello Kitty House

view inside the Hello Kitty house

Bilik Study Hello Kitty


The dining set

Ira ngan Hana dah tak tau nk belek mana dulu..hehe

seat yang cute bangat

Nie la dia bathroom Hello Kitty..comel sangat
Hana enjoying herself

Hana dah muka x berapa nk happy sebab bising..huhu
sabo je lah adik nie..
OK, sekian dahulu entry buat kali nih..
Tak sabo nk abes kan citer JB nih...huhuhu..
Pending story kat Little Big Club and also our Desaru trip..
Till then wassalam..
Masa nak keluar tue.. ade org tggu org chop pass. Every section yang nak masuk, semua visitor kena queue and ade staff yang tunggu dkt entrance to monitor visitor yang bole masuk. Derang nak control the crowd.
Kitaorg sempat join cookies making. Experience playground in Friendship Land. Ira dapat join activity masa Hello Kitty parade. Pastu enjoy the tea cup ride.
Plan nak pegi Hello Kitty Town idaman Ira dan Hana alhamdulillah terlaksana. Ok la mama pun dah nk blur nak tulis ape..biarkan gambar berbicara.. hiks
The crowds ..waiting for the Hello Kitty live performance
The awaited appearance

Ira enjoyed the show
Ira is feeling happy sebab dapat salam Hello Kitty boy katanyer.. but she frustrated cant shake hand Hello Kity Girl.. hehe
The Hello Kitty House
view inside the Hello Kitty house

Bilik Study Hello Kitty


The dining set
Ira ngan Hana dah tak tau nk belek mana dulu..hehe

seat yang cute bangat
Nie la dia bathroom Hello Kitty..comel sangat
Hello Kitty's bedroom,
mama rasa dia nye bedsheet cam kelam sket yang lain tip top!
Hello Kitty's accessories displayed
Mari memasak
Lepas ni nak gie mn lak erk?
accessories Hello Kitty lagik
Games for the kids
Exit.. we are done in Hello Kitty house..
suker suker..
Ira tgh mendeco hello kitty cookies
dah siap bole bawak balik utk di makan
Hello Kitty Parade
The hello kitty parade
Ira taking part in the activity..
not all kids can join it base on first come basis..
At Friendship land
The playground
Last but not least, the teacup ride
Hana dah muka x berapa nk happy sebab bising..huhu
sabo je lah adik nie..
OK, sekian dahulu entry buat kali nih..
Tak sabo nk abes kan citer JB nih...huhuhu..
Pending story kat Little Big Club and also our Desaru trip..
Till then wassalam..
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