Date : 30 Oct 2010
Venue: Metro Point Kajang
Venue: Metro Point Kajang
Wah hari yg ditunggu2 dah tiba, Ira akan beraksi atas stage.. cant imagine how my 4 year old girl on mama x sbr tgk Ira dancing..ari2 Ira blk umah berlatih.. Ira ckp dia akan join 'Rock n Roll' dance.. It was first experience for Ira to perform in front of the crowd and on stage. But I'm glad that she did a gud job. Ira cool je atas stage.. Thank God.. ade gak kwn2 baya Ira (4 years old) yg menangis nk naik stage but mama salute kat teacher derang, they manage to pujuk their student and end up the student can perform well on the stage..
Ira in her cheongsam for the Fashion Show segment

Jumaat aritu kan mama cuti, then mama fetch Ira from her school. Then mama nmpk Ira bertoncet..pelik gak mama, rajin lak teacher derang nk menoncetkan student2 derang.. ruper2nyer Ira will taking part in the fashion show for the concert..mak aih.. x sangka lak mama sbb Ira x mention ape2 psl fashion show.. selalu Ira dok citer psl rock n roll jerk.. Teacher also give to mama the costume..Ira kena pakai bj cheongsam.. Nice & comey jerk cheongsam nyer..
Then teacher pesan kat mama soh make up Ira esok n buat dia jadik cam chinese girl lar.. haha
The stage
Para audience dah ready kt dpn stage
Touch up session kat blkg stage
The next day, mmg Ira x sabar2 nk mekap..Ira luvs mekap.. pagi2 dah mandi..selalu nk g skolah jenuh pujuk.. Lps breakfaast kat McD Kajang, then blk Ira mandi lagi n bersiap utk pegi Metro Point Kajang. Dgn berbaju cheongsam yg cute Ira semangat nk pegi concert tue.
Actually this was first time Ira wearing cheongsam.. Not bad.. she looks sweet in the red dress. On the way we stucked in jem to Metro point and reached there around 1pm. Luckily we do not have problem to looking for car parking. Ira dah tertido dlm keta masa tu. Masa kitaorg sampai, most of the student tgh di touch up oleh teacher2..sumer cute2 dah lps kn solek.. ngan bj yg colourful.. x sbr nk tgk derang perform.
Opening of the concert

The next day, mmg Ira x sabar2 nk mekap..Ira luvs mekap.. pagi2 dah mandi..selalu nk g skolah jenuh pujuk.. Lps breakfaast kat McD Kajang, then blk Ira mandi lagi n bersiap utk pegi Metro Point Kajang. Dgn berbaju cheongsam yg cute Ira semangat nk pegi concert tue.
Actually this was first time Ira wearing cheongsam.. Not bad.. she looks sweet in the red dress. On the way we stucked in jem to Metro point and reached there around 1pm. Luckily we do not have problem to looking for car parking. Ira dah tertido dlm keta masa tu. Masa kitaorg sampai, most of the student tgh di touch up oleh teacher2..sumer cute2 dah lps kn solek.. ngan bj yg colourful.. x sbr nk tgk derang perform.

The show started at 2 pm. Mmg happening.. I like, ade yg kelako ade yg nangis atas tetap maintain cun perform.. My Thahirah rupernye took part in 3 shows which are Fashion Show, Rock n Roll dance & Old Mc Donald. Nnti mama share video Ira perform. Ira looks so confident on stage.. sakan Ira menari.. hehe suke sgt la tuh anak mama dancing..
Barisan2 model ( sumer 4 years old students and my Thahirah yg plg kecik) hehe
Ready for Fashion Show performance

Ready for Fashion Show performance

Byk performance from 5 years old student and 6 years old students...Ade singing, dancing, drama.. Tema 1 Malaysia mmg nice and cheerful.. At the end of the concert, then the graduation session for 6 years old students.. Mama nk wish congratulations to all students yg graduate their kindergarten and also to all the teachers who really worked hard to train n teach the students.. You guys already did a wonderful job.. we really enjoy the concert..

Mama will update more on the concert later...:P. Unfortunately, ayah was not there to watch Ira's 1st performance because Ayah outstation in Johor Bharu that day. Rugi la ayah, cannot see hows our girl on stage.. Its really touching to see our girl standing in front of the crowds and show her talent..dah besar dah Ira, dlm hati mama Ira sentiasa kecik n perlukan perhatian..:)