15 October, 2010

D' cutie bicycle

Date : 30 August 2010
Venue: Perak

This bicycle is one of Hana's besde present.. haha. so can imagine how long mama peram N3 nie..
actually the cute bicycle is a besde present from opah & atuk sempena ulang tahun Hana yg pertama aritue..Bicycle nie agak striking sket color nyer and it's Hana's choice..

Hana happy with her new cute bicycle

Br nk amek feel..

Opah & Atuk bwk Hana pegi baby store kat Perak aritue.. x sangka lak mama kat sg siput dah ade baby store ala2 manjaku gitu..so x payah la nk pegi sampai Ipoh next time nk cr brg2 baby yg 'agaks' brandy sket.. oppppss cm orang 'ada2' punyer statement laks..hahaha... so masa kat kedai tu la kitaorg dudukkan Hana atas bicycle2 yg ade situ n this bicycle Hana excited terlebih
so we choose this one.

Sesi pemilihan..

Kakak Ira temankan Hana riding the new bicycle

Kakak Ira jgn jeles tau.. dulu pun opah & atuk belikan 1st bicycle utk Ira just like Hana's one but blue color and Ira punye x de cover cm payung kat atas...skang ni dah jadi rangka dah bicycle tue...hehe. Bicycle Hana ade music and toy infront.. Hana suker sesangat naik her new bicycle..Thanks Opah & atuk for the pleasant give.. luv both of you...muah muah..

1 comment:

  1. salam dear...jemput join my contest..ade dua kategori(lucky draw & contest bergambar)..nanti pilih lah mane satu k..



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