Date : 4th September 2010
Venue: Sunway Piramid
Me & my sweety princess (Hana & Ira)
Bile masa lak Sunway Piramid ade stesen keretapi erk?? pelik tp benar..hehe Ekceli ni gambar masa kitaorg spending time shopping raya + outing satu family utk celebrate ayah & mama anniversary ceremony.. It was nice decoration brought by Sunway Piramid management utk memeriahkan sambutan Aidilfitri thn nie.. The decoration mmg best.. rs nostalgia laks.. mmg cm real jerk rasa.. teringat mama zaman2 naik keretapi blk kg nak berhari raya.. what a nice moment .. tp skang sumer dlm kenangan..
The decoration
Bomba band performance
Posing time.. see basikal tua ngan kacang2 tue.. cam zaman dolu2..i like!
Masa kitaorg pass thru area tue, ade bomba live band performance. Derang presents lagu2 raya..mmg kitaorg lepak kat situ seketika la.. selain melepas penat berjalan sbb situ ade stage n beautiful chair that welcome us to seat..hehe. Tp frankly speaking mmg mama suker sesangat decoration raya tuh..
Ira tgh tgk org main ice skating..nnti besar sket Ira try lak ye syg..
the crowd..
the student performance
Sambil2 kitaorg cr brg2 keperluan utk hari raya, kitaorg sempat gak la melepak tgk org main ice skating masa kat sana. ramai org.. mama x prnh try pun nk main ice skating bukan ape mama rs cm x teror jerk..main roller blade pun jatuh terkangkang so ofkos ice skating pun lebih kurang samer jerk..huhuhu.. Dlm kol 2pm tu lak kebetulan ade live performance from primary school students...mama pun x teringat from which so cute la derang berice skating ngan bj kebaya dah la bdk2 tu comey2 sgt.. ekceli ms tu mama temankan Ira lunch kat x dpt tgk the whole performance..
Hana's enjoyed playing with the slide
Hana's smile ( Hana dah ade 6 batang gigi, 4 atas and 2 bawah)
Play time
enjoy herself
After that, kitaorg pass thru satu area permainan kanak2.. ohhh ape lg Ira excited la nak main.. tp mahal gak la satu game rm5.. huhu memula Ira ckp satu game jerk.. skali bile dah naik Ira nak naik satu lg game.. huhu..leboh la seploh hengget utk Ira main kat situ aritue.Hana masa tu not in mood so lepak dlm stroller je lar..watching kakak main..
Ayah & Hana
Dah puas round, dlm kol 5 lebey kitaorg kuar dr Sunway Piramid. Then we proceed to IBUNDA restaurant to continue celebrating the spesel moment for ayah & mama..hehe. OK la, mama pun dah ngantuks nih. Cukupla takat nie dulu..
Till then wassalam..
notes: to view all pic taken that day, pls click ere..
Bile masa lak Sunway Piramid ade stesen keretapi erk?? pelik tp benar..hehe Ekceli ni gambar masa kitaorg spending time shopping raya + outing satu family utk celebrate ayah & mama anniversary ceremony.. It was nice decoration brought by Sunway Piramid management utk memeriahkan sambutan Aidilfitri thn nie.. The decoration mmg best.. rs nostalgia laks.. mmg cm real jerk rasa.. teringat mama zaman2 naik keretapi blk kg nak berhari raya.. what a nice moment .. tp skang sumer dlm kenangan..
Masa kitaorg pass thru area tue, ade bomba live band performance. Derang presents lagu2 raya..mmg kitaorg lepak kat situ seketika la.. selain melepas penat berjalan sbb situ ade stage n beautiful chair that welcome us to seat..hehe. Tp frankly speaking mmg mama suker sesangat decoration raya tuh..
Sambil2 kitaorg cr brg2 keperluan utk hari raya, kitaorg sempat gak la melepak tgk org main ice skating masa kat sana. ramai org.. mama x prnh try pun nk main ice skating bukan ape mama rs cm x teror jerk..main roller blade pun jatuh terkangkang so ofkos ice skating pun lebih kurang samer jerk..huhuhu.. Dlm kol 2pm tu lak kebetulan ade live performance from primary school students...mama pun x teringat from which so cute la derang berice skating ngan bj kebaya dah la bdk2 tu comey2 sgt.. ekceli ms tu mama temankan Ira lunch kat x dpt tgk the whole performance..
After that, kitaorg pass thru satu area permainan kanak2.. ohhh ape lg Ira excited la nak main.. tp mahal gak la satu game rm5.. huhu memula Ira ckp satu game jerk.. skali bile dah naik Ira nak naik satu lg game.. huhu..leboh la seploh hengget utk Ira main kat situ aritue.Hana masa tu not in mood so lepak dlm stroller je lar..watching kakak main..
Dah puas round, dlm kol 5 lebey kitaorg kuar dr Sunway Piramid. Then we proceed to IBUNDA restaurant to continue celebrating the spesel moment for ayah & mama..hehe. OK la, mama pun dah ngantuks nih. Cukupla takat nie dulu..
Till then wassalam..
notes: to view all pic taken that day, pls click ere..
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