01 December, 2010

Tira, No Comment..,she's really good!!

Date : 30th Nov 2010 (Tuesday)
Venue: Ira's kindergarten

Yesterday was Ira's kindergarten parents day. So mama & Ayah purposely amek leave nk g amik report card Ira. This is first experience for mama & ayah to collect report card anak.. frankly speaking mmg excited sket.. hehe. Smlm Ira x yah pegi school mcm biasa. just pakai bj biasa n follow mama & ayah jumpe her teachers.

Ira's first report card & Exam Paper

Adik Hana pun excited nk amek report card kakak Ira..

Her class teacher is teacher Malini. She was very friendly and sweet. First of all, she show us Ira's marks for the final exam.. bila mama tgk je exam paper Ira, rs cm x percaya lak anak mama sorang nih dah besar dah bole sit for exam..terharu laks sekejap... Alhamdulillah Ira got a good mark. Sumer paper Ira dpt A. and science Ira score 100%.. Gud job Ira.

Kakak mcm cuak jer tuh..hehe Besar ni pun dh phm risau ttg result exam ke hehehe..

When her principal saw us, the word that come out from her mouth was "Tira, No comment. Shes really good", sambil senyum kat mama & ayah .. wow kembang semangkuk mama mendengarnyer.. Alhamdulillah mama dikurniakan anak yg bijak mcm Ira. Ira yg duduk sebelah mama tersipu2 jerk.. ahaha. Kat school sumer org panggil Ira as Tira... ntah mn dtg nama tu pun mama x tau..hehe. But kedudukan Ira dlm class cm x best sket sbb Ira x sit exam for mandarin since Ira masuk school pertengahan thn so paper Mandarin Ira x dpt nk amek. Overall Ira dpt no 8 but if teacher x kira markah utk Mandarin for all 4 years old student, Ira dpt no 2.. suker nye mama dgr.. Next year cuba lagi yer sayang.. mama & ayah sentiasa doakan yg terbaik utk Ira..

Teacher Malini & Teacher Siti tgh brief mama & Ayah Ira's progress

Sesi temuramah parents & teachers

Teacher Siti (Ira's fav teacher and also her BM teacher) also together with Teacher Malini update Ira nye progress kat ayah and mama. Ira kat class x byk ckp. But mmg rajin n homework mmg sentiasa up to date. Fast learner sbb teacher ckp ajar Ira skali jerk then she can do it her self.. alhamdulilah.. Tapi Ira amat sensitif lau teacher cm tggikan suara sket Ira akan dh macam nk nanges...

Ira and her class teacher, Teacher Malini (4 years old class teacher)

Teacher's comment for Ira

My beloved Thahirah, well done syg.. im proud of you..

Kira ok la kan, Ira msk tgh thn tp bole setanding ngan student yg msk awl tahun.. i'm proud of you dear.. Belajar rhajin2 yerk.. semoga Ira jadi Ira yg berjaya dunia & akhirat.. Gambar2 utk N3 nie kureng cun (ceh mcm la selama nih cun2 sgt gmbr2 yg mama tepek kat sini..haha) sbb mama just guna hphone camera.. segan nk bwk camera.. aritue nk amek gmbr pun mama segan but memikirkan utk kenangan Ira di masa depan..so mama blasah je la.. teacher2 pun sporting jerk.. hehe

OKla, sampai sini dulu.. c u in next update..
till then bye2 n wassalam..


  1. acik nani also proud of u Tira ;)
    Sure kembang kempis mak ayah Ira kan..
    ke ko sebak beb? heheh
    moga anak2 ko sentiasa cemerlang yer

  2. Thanks Acik Nani..
    Semoga makbul doa acik Nani.. aminnnnnnnn
    sebak gak beb.. speechless gak la aku skjp
    br dpt rs cmne mak2 kita rs beb ms g amek report card.. excited but dup dap dup dap..:)


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