10 January, 2012

Ira's 1st swimming class

Date : 8 Jan 2012 (Sunday)
Venue : Presint 16, Putrajaya

Alhamdulillah hajat mama nk enroll Ira for swimming class terlaksana. Mmg ade dlm azam list this year sbb mama dh nk complete my master so weekend insyaalah quite free utk focus kat anak2 mama kembali.. Sesungguh kita hanya merancang tp Allah yg menentukan..last week on Wednesday Aunty Linda email mama psl one of swimming class pakej.. and plan nk enroll dgn Iman skali.. mcm pucuk dicita ulam mendatang la..

Ira on her 1st swimming class

And the awaited day comes..Ira excited sbb mama dh belikan google & cap as preparation for her swimming class. Iman pun x sabar jgk.. kitaorg amek class yg pukul 4pm so tak ramai org sgt.. actually sbb x mo g panas2 tu yg amek the last session..satu lg kol 3pm selalu time tdo Ira.. that Ira Ira very2 behave lps lunch rehat2 jap then tdo... dkt2 2.45pm Ira bgn...

Ira & Iman with their trainer

Sampai2 lps registration sumer..Ira & Iman tkr bj.. Ira x de la tjkkan excited. But iman mmg suke sgt2..then the trainer start session ngan derang..mama, mak long, Hana, Aunty Linda, Uncle Zul & adam jadik pemerhati kehormat jer..mmg trainer tu ckp.. lau bole parents biar je derang ngan instructor sbb lau parent campur tgn nnti kids jadik mengada2...:)

The 1 st class went well but can see Ira not that excited at the end.. reason sbb dia tertelan air masa kn jump to pool.. this class basically for water confident level..so Ira need more training.. sbb trs meleleh lps class ended.. so next week mama need to work harder to encourage Ira ,..may b mama pun terjun same kot..kekeke in other word join adult class...see how this weekend.. but different story with Iman..mmg sgt2 excited with the class..chaiyok iman..!! hope Ira will start enjoying her class this week..:)


  1. ade link x ita? swimming class tu.. rate, date, etc...anak2 aku dr thn lps duk pegi P16 nih.. tp swimming ikot gaya bebas sendiri... huuhuu.. xtau ade kelas...tq

  2. fazi..nie dia link dia..aku pun kwn aku yg survey..:P. http://www.ezi2swim.com/. rm180 weh utk 4 class..aku rs murah kan? ntah ini base on ape yg kwn aku survey..aku ok jerk since ira kwn baik anak dia..so ok sket ira ade kwn..:)ko survey dulu.. ira cm terkujat aritue..hehhe hope pasni dia ok la..:P

  3. hehe... tq2... memula agaknye.. tu yg dia terkujat.. pasni leh ganti nurul huda dah anak ko.. ahhaha


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